OFF THE COUCH Planning to shape up? Well, jump to it!
Are you tired of paying high prices for fitness equipment? Do you use your Nordic Track as a valet? Has your Health Rider become an extra seat for watching television in the guest room? Is the collection of ab machines and Thigh Masters now playground equipment for your cat? How…
Who’s Your Fave Rave? By Randi Reisfeld and Danny Fields Boulevard Books, 237 pages, $14 ‘Who’s Your Fave Rave?” brings back the heyday of 16 Magazine. Authors Randi Reisfeld and Danny Fields, both of whom have served as editors of 16, trace the teenybopper magazine’s history, tell how images of…
Muscle sprain may be no excuse for a lack of style
Today’s fashion About five or six years ago, I was, as usual, struggling to retain any kind of defensive position during a bout of mat wrestling. Unfortunately, my opponent outweighed me by 30 pounds in mass and 90 pounds in muscle. I wedged in my stubby legs between us to…
Neoprene isn’t just for wetsuits and bad knees anymore
About five or six years ago, I was, as usual, struggling to retain any kind of defensive position during a bout of mat wrestling. Unfortunately, my opponent outweighed me by 30 pounds in mass and 90 pounds in muscle. I wedged in my stubby legs between us to protect my…
Studies find brain cells grow with stimulation
BERKELEY, Calif. — Peek into the University of California-Berkeley’s Wheeler Auditorium during Integrative Biology 131 and you might catch professor Marion Diamond as she turns her palms toward herself, fingertips pointing toward each other. ”Dendrites,” she would announce, spreading her slender fingers to represent the spiny branches that jut out…
At 71, professor is still passionate about brain research
BERKELEY, Calif. _ Peek into the University of California-Berkeley’s Wheeler Auditorium during Integrative Biology 131 and you might catch professor Marion Diamond as she turns her palms toward herself, fingertips pointing toward each other. “Dendrites,” she would announce, spreading her slender fingers to represent the spiny branches that jut out…
‘Eastern Standard Time’ explores Asian pop influence
Who coined the term “electronic superhighway?” Why did Filipinos invent yo-yos? Did I.M. Pei know his Steely Dan from his Steppenwolf when planners asked him to design Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum? Which edematous brain leads the Sanrio animal kingdom? “Eastern Standard Time: A Guide to…
ALL PRESETS ARE OFF Listeners find refuge on public airwaves
A different turbulence shook the airwaves when Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich vowed to slash federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which in turn awards grants to PBS television and radio stations. Rhetoric aside, the decline turned out to be gradual and public radio appears defiantly robust….