What They’re reading

Sam Donaldson, ABCnews.com

“WELL, I’VE just taken up with (David) McCullough’s John Adams.’ Truth in advertising I first bought it for my wife. I’m on Chapter One I just finished the galleys for The Wild Blue.’ I’m a Stephen Ambrose fan. He’s just written a book on (the Second World) war in southern Italy, centered around George McGovern and his crew. He flew 35 combat missions in the last year of the war. I find it a fascinating read; I know George. He was anti-Vietnam War, and people accused him of being a wimp and coward and all that. He served his country well. Well, that’s the way in politics.”

“The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys Who Flew the B-24s Over Germany,” by Stephen E. Ambrose (Simon & Schuster, $26, release date Aug. 14); “John Adams,” by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster, $35).

Vera H-C Chan

Culture for Free

A SCOOP or double scoop of aria? Ben & Jerry’s serves up ice cream on the side as Festival Opera dishes up some luscious selections for its Opera in the Park. 6 tonight, Civic Park, 1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek, 925-943-5853, www.festivalopera.com.